Conditions We Treat at ICTMJC
Use this page to learn about the various conditions we treat at ICT Muscle & Joint Clinic. You can click on any condition to learn more or schedule an appointment with one of our qualified chiropractic doctors.
Use this page to learn about the various conditions we treat at ICT Muscle & Joint Clinic. You can click on any condition to learn more or schedule an appointment with one of our qualified chiropractic doctors.
It is by no means a surprise anymore that the thyroid is an important energy producing organ. It has numerous roles in regulating hormones, energy, depression, and more.1 If you’re constantly feeling tired, depressed, or moody there is a good chance your thyroid is under stress and therefore not working correctly.
Our approach to testing, assessing, and addressing thyroid conditions is through an intricate system which looks at various organs and energy producing mechanisms as a whole through non-pharmacological interventions. We work to embody Hippocrates statement, “let food be thy medicine…” as much as possible before any form of supplementation(s). Conditions such as , hyperthyroidism, thyroiditis, and the thyroid storm all are byproducts of improper thyroid, adrenal, and liver function or disease. The body is an integrative system – its organs and functions do not live within a state of exclusivity. We can help you rebalance your thyroid gland and thyroid function naturally; but “are you ready to make a real, long-lasting change to your health?” is the better question.
Your adrenal glands are vital to full body health and energy production. Without strong adrenal function you will experience adrenal insufficiency and chronic disease. Your adrenal glands are supported by your liver and thyroid. Without this trifecta working within proper ratios or balance, then dysfunction of any organ can occur.
Our approach to treating and rehabbing your adrenal glands comes through balancing various mineral, hormonal, and enzymatic levels, while adjusting these levels and functions against their supporting organs. We offer this through non-pharmacological interventions, for those who are true health seekers.
If you’re constantly feeling tired, depressed, or moody there is a good chance your adrenal glands are under constant stress and therefore not working correctly. Our approach to testing, assessing, and addressing adrenal fatigue syndrome is more so done through diet or nutritional eating then supplementation. We work through the flow of the adrenal gland being up- and down- regulated in unison with other organs.
Gut health is a fickle thing. The idea and application of gut health, nutritional advice, fad diets/eating programs are constantly changing every few months. For better or worse, by the time you read this vs. the time we wrote this, there is a good chance a variety of fad diets have newly become mainstream. We work beyond the fad diet programs and get you back to the idea – you are what you eat. We are about assessing, testing, implementation, and re-testing. Through this approach we can better understand where you are, where you need to go, and how to best get you there.
With 70-80% of our immune cells being present within the gastrointestinal (GI) system,2 we know our overall health is heavily dependent on the quality of health within our gut. Practically no one in healthcare questions the importance of the microbiome within the gut. But what we should question is, what is a ‘healthy microbiome’? and separating short-term benefits from long-term results.
Do not forget, in the end – your health is your wealth. If you are not addressing gut health through various lab tests, then you are leaving money on the table. When you are ready to take your gut health seriously, we will be here for you.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is the diagnosis before the ‘bad diagnosis’. Chronic fatigue can be paraphrased as, we do not know what is wrong, but something is wrong3. If you are experiencing longer than 6-months of fatigue during activity or rest, restless sleep, memory, focus and concentration difficulties, then you may be experiencing chronic fatigue syndrome. If you are experiencing these difficulties, do not wait until it progresses. If you are experiencing this now, ignoring the problem will only make it worse. Unfortunately, when left untreated, it will become something much worse in time.
Chronic fatigue is the byproduct of many different things not working correctly in unison. When looking at sustainability of health and eating in addressing chronic fatigue – elimination diets do not work. What works for one person may not work for another. Assessing and testing adrenal glands, thyroid, liver, and genetic expression may be the answer for you. Our consults are unique in offering a comprehensive approach to understand what is causing your chronic fatigue and the best scientific-backed research and methodology in getting you the results you are looking for.
Have you ever wondered why one person can handle coffee while drinking it gives you get jitters or anxiety? Through our genetic profiling partnerships, we can understand you at the deepest level. No human alive has a perfect genome – we all exist in shades of grey. By understanding you at your ‘base code’ – genetics – we can identify millions of combinations of why you may not work well with certain foods, spices, supplements, and more. Your genetic expression may be very different than your friends, family member, or co-workers. To better help you thrive through life, let our genetic testing and nutritional programming set you up for success!
Our genetic testing partnerships are fully HIPAA compliant, do not allow secondary data usage, and you can delete your information on your own terms and timeframe. Learn more about our genetic testing partnerships and nutritional programs to finally get you from being stressed, tired, or anxious and into your true health.
Back pain is the number one chronic musculoskeletal (MSK) condition affecting the entire world – not just developed countries. 80% of people will experience back pain in their lifetime, and over 40% will experience back pain in any given year. Low back pain was the leading y – indicating low back pain is the number one pain causing disability and health problems - which was analyzed by the Global Burden of Disease, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study.4 If you’re experiencing back pain, you are not alone. There are many healthcare practitioners and techniques geared toward addressing back pain. What is missing is a comprehensive approach categorizing back pain and treatment based on this categorization system.
When back pain becomes chronic, it negatively affects family life, marital life, work life, and much more. This is easily noted within our opioid epidemic here within the U.S., but it doesn’t have to be. Through our assessment, we identify not only the physical interventions to address back pain but also the other pillars of health while providing at-home programs enabling you to take charge of your life!
Sciatica can be crippling, and long-standing sciatica can cause atrophy – muscle wasting – of the legs. Nothing positive comes from sciatica or sciatic nerve irritation/damage. Sciatica can have multiple causes including mechanical stresses, chemical stresses (inflammation), and genetic predisposition being expressed through poor habits. As the saying goes – genetics loads the gun, environment and habits pull the trigger.
Through our assessment and protocols, we can address these concerns while or prior to experiencing, Sciatica symptoms and frustrations. We have taken the best-of-the-best scientific-backed rehab protocols and converted them into easily digestible at-home programs. Don’t let sciatica hold you back!
Many people will experience knee pain at some point within their lives. A common misconception is “it’s just old age.” Well, do all your other joints hurt? No? Then it is not old age. Yes, you have more brewing underneath the surface than simple knee pain. Either way, we have multiple options to help address your concerns and desires depending on the level of your interests. You want rehab? We do it - even remotely. If you’re a bit of a do-it-yourselfer (DIY), investigate our Video Programs. We can cater to your needs!
Human language is expressed in a multitude of ways. To touch, see, smell, taste, or hear are all signs of life. However, we express much of our lives through talking. When the jaw hurts, it affects all forms of communication. Talking is a form of important vitality for us a species. We all know and would enjoy if that one person would talk a little less, but when it comes to ourselves, and the pain associated with TMJ or jaw pain, talking can be unbearable.
We work closely with board certified orthodontists to help support the nutrition and mechanics of the jaw if these appear to be the problem. There are many things that can affect jaws from working correctly or producing pain. Our assessment protocol can smoothly be integrated through Telehealth services and help support the work of your orthodontist.
Headaches, migraines, and neck pain often coincide with each other, 60 to 80% of the time, that is.5 When these get bad, they can simply bring you down, missing work and making life lack-luster. It does not need to be this way. There are simple stretches and exercises you can perform throughout a day to keep things in check. Rehab has become complicated, but it can be simplified and quite easy to implement into your routine.
We often find chemical stressors to correspond with neck, headache, and migraine related symptoms.5 This is why, for many, neck related issues never seem to go away. So many people hold their stress in their shoulders, and this can cause referral pain which travels up into the head. Let us help you resolve your headaches, neck pain, and migraines today through our various healthcare approaches. Don’t you feel it’s time to take the headache out of your health frustrations?
Feeling limited with lifting things at work, at home, and playing with the kids can be downright maddening. For most, you can “get the job done,” but when it grabs at you, it really takes hold. You put off getting the shoulder addressed because you think it’ll eventually just go away, but it keeps coming back. Sound about right?
Our shoulder joint is the most mobile joint in the body; it has the most wiggle room for things to go wrong. Even more interesting, 50% of shoulder pain is not originating from the shoulder area itself. Being the most mobile joint in the body, the shoulder requires an extensive investigation into what is occurring. We can provide those answer for you.
When the foot hurts, you sit, and sitting is the new smoking. It is unquestionable that the body thrives on movement and prolonged sitting is detrimental to health. Like all tissue, when stressed, it needs adequate levels of different stresses to allow it to heal effectively. Over the years, we have individuals self-diagnose with plantar fasciitis and 9/10 times being entirely wrong. There are ‘common-knowledge’ thoughts and diagnoses within health that need to be broken down. Plantar fasciitis has nothing to do with the plantar fascia being irritated or inflamed directly. There are other factors driving this pain. Put your foot down today and make the change for yourself!
All pain is annoying, frustrating, or downright maddening. Elbow pain is no different. The main questions to ask yourself are:
For the most part, elbow pain is self-treatable. However, it is only self-treatable knowing what interventions are needed. This is where we come in. Through our assessment protocol, we have various online programs to help you self-treat your pain without loss of time and energy.
Elbow Pain is not always an elbow problem. Statistically, it is likely coming from another area of the body.6
Procreation is the only way any of us are on this Earth. Bringing a new life into this world can be very exciting and stressful – all at the same time. Many expecting mothers want the best for their unborn child. This has produced a huge market of baby-fying living quarters, eating habits, supplementation, gear, and more. We work to address many of these factors with resources for expecting mothers, regarding support groups, social media pages, supplementation protocols, and more. The saying is true, ‘it takes a village to raise a child’.”
We want to offer the best outcome for your children through pregnancy. With our nutritional programing we work through various aspects of optimum momma health to produce the most desired outcome for both baby and momma. We often appreciate various lab testing within this phase. The reasoning behind this is because pregnancy can cause a wide array of symptoms. As such, symptoms cannot be our only guide to understand how mineral, hormonal, and enzymatic functions are occurring with momma or baby. Let our expertise help you carry and deliver your baby to the best of your potential.
For many mommas, this is an extension of our pregnancy protocols. During the last few months of pregnancy, a baby will drastically deplete mom of certain minerals – up to 10 times the amount the mother had available. This is where gray hair comes from. A baby, although amazing, requires a significant amount of nutrient balance – draining the mother.
Our post-partum programming helps to restore these mineral, enzymatic, and hormonal balances for the mother. Throughout this programming, we also integrate rehabilitative exercises geared toward restoring the pelvic floor and abdominal wall. The body changes rapidly within the birthing hours. To expect the body after such an athletic event to heal perfectly is psychologically impractical and faulty. This is often the cause to conditions as incontinence, unwanted urination, post baby. If you’re looking to truly improve this through a scientific-backed system, let us help restore your health the way you see fit!
Content Written by Dr. Keith Sparks, DC | Root Cause Protocol (RCP) Consultant
Content Reviewed by Dr. Rachel Sparks, DC | Root Cause Protocol (RCP) Consultant
1 Fulghum Bruce, D. Fatigued or Full Throttle: Is Your Thyroid to Blame? Internet. https://www.webmd.com/ women/guide/fatigued-or-full-throttle-is-your-thyroid-to-blame. Published 2008.
2 Wiertsema SP, van Bergenhenegouwen J, Garssen J, Knippels LMJ. The Interplay between the Gut Microbiome and the Immune System in the Context of Infectious Diseases throughout Life and the Role of Nutrition in Optimizing Treatment Strategies. Nutrients. 2021;13(3):886. Published 2021 Mar 9. doi:10.3390/nu13030886
3 https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/chronic-fatigue-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20360490#:~:text=Chronic%20fatigue%20syndrome%20(CFS)%20is,doesn't%20improve%20with%20rest.
4 Wu A, March L, Zheng X, Huang J, Wang X, Zhao J, Blyth FM, Smith E, Buchbinder R, Hoy D. Global low back pain prevalence and years lived with disability from 1990 to 2017: estimates from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Ann Transl Med. 2020 Mar;8(6):299. doi: 10.21037/atm.2020.02.175. PMID: 32355743; PMCID: PMC7186678.
5 Ahmed F. Headache disorders: differentiating and managing the common subtypes. Br J Pain. 2012 Aug;6(3):124-32. doi: 10.1177/2049463712459691. PMID: 26516483; PMCID: PMC4590146.
6 Rosedale R, Rastogi R, Kidd J, Lynch G, Supp G, Robbins SM. A study exploring the prevalence of Extremity Pain of Spinal Source (EXPOSS). J Man Manip Ther. 2020;28(4):222-230. doi:10.1080/10669817.2019.1661706
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If you are in the Wichita, KS, area and are having frustrations, complications, or stagnant results with care, then contact us for in-person help with our unique healthcare approaches. If you are not within the greater Wichita, KS metro, we have created amazing Telehealth and Video Programs to provide you the same high-quality care. Contact our professional chiropractic staff at our East Wichita clinic or West Wichita clinic about possible treatments for your muscle, joint, nutrition, and health-related concerns today.