Treatment and rehab for plantar fasciitis can involve everything from foot, ankle, hip, and core based on your individual presentation. We will start from the bottom and move on up in an succeeding blog.

The Foot and Plantar Fasciitis 

There are twenty-six bones, thirty joints and more than one-hundred muscles, tendons and ligaments that make up each foot and work together to provide balance and support for the entire body. In our opinion, even outside of plantar fasciitis the foot does not get enough credit or look at it for its contribution to entire body function.

As talked about in the previous blog, treatment and rehab for foot that is too mobile and foot that is not mobile is completely different with plantar fasciitis. Sometimes based on the assessment we can have a combination and will have to do things in both categories.

Next blog we will focus on the ankle, hip, and core and how function at each can tie into plantar fasciitis! 

References: Drake, R. L., Vogl, W., Mitchell, A. W. M., & Gray, H. (2005). Gray's anatomy for students. Philadelphia: Elsevier/Churchill Livingstone.